Milton’s mother’s birthname was Annie Farrington Walton. Annie’s mother’s birth name was Eunice N. Kenyon. Eunice was born August, 1862 in Rhode Island and died in 1930. She is buried in the Walton Cemetery, Scituate, Rhode Island (SC 221).
More research needed to find our Kenyon ancestry.
- Milton Earl MacDonald’s KENYON Ancestry:
Milton’s wife, Audrey Mae, loved doing genealogical research. The following line is traced through Milton’s mother, Annie Farrington Walton. Audrey Mae personalizes this history by telling stories of Milton as a young boy and his relationships with the eighth generation. Milton is the tenth generation and Audrey Mae abbreviates the 11th, 12th and 13th generation in the lower right corner with her son, granddaughter and great-grandson’s initials.
Catherine, the granddaughter of Annie Farrington (née Walton) MacDonald, has the following notes of her grandmother’s recollection of the Nichols and the Kenyons. The names and dates of birth are written and Catherine labeled these “Grandma Annie’s notes!!” Annie’s mother is Eunice Nichols (née Kenyon) Walton and her maternal grandmother is Clarissa Danford (née Nichols) Kenyon.
Website author is still researching Annie’s middle name of Farrington. Following the maternal pattern, Annie’s birth name would be Annie Kenyon Walton.
The bottom section of the Ancestor Chart gives Milton’s maternal ancestry beginning with his mother, Annie Farrington Walton, his maternal grandmother, Eunice N. (née Kenyon) Walton and his great-grandmother, Clarissa Nichols. According to this chart, Eunice was married to Lewis Walton and Clarissa was married to John R. Kenyon. Web author does not know who prepared this Ancestor Chart, but Milton’s wife, Audrey, was in possession of this chart. However, the handwriting on the chart is not Audrey’s.
Milton’s second son, Douglas, often interviewed his father’s sister, Gladys, who lived to age 100. She thought her father, Joseph R. MacDonald, was born in Pawtucket, R.I. so more research is needed as Milton’s birth certificate records his father’s birthplace as Hope, R.I. Oral tradition is great because often that is all we descendants have. However, with time passing, it is easy to get different remembrance of the same story or fact.
From the above Kenyon ancestry, we see that Milton descend from (1st) John Russell Kenyon, (2nd) Eunice Kenyon, and (3rd) Annie. Milton is Annie’s and Joseph’s child.
- One final note or request concerning this Ancestry page. MacDonalds, Kenyons, Nichols, Waltons, Knights, Leaches, Farringtons, Mc Mullens, and Conlons, if you have any additional information and/or corrections on Milton Earl MacDonald’s Kenyon ancestry, please add a comment to this web site and the web site author/editor will add this to the site. Thanks!