The Walton Cemetery is numbered Scituate 221 (or abbreviated SC221). The cemetery is located on Seven Mile Road in Scituate, Rhode Island.
SC221 can be found in the following alphabetical list (SC) with number (221) in ascending order:
The web address for Scituate 221 or the Walton Cemetery is:
The website author has visited the Walton Cemetery and knows that Milton’s parents, Annie and Joseph are buried there. Also, Milton’s younger sister, Ruth, is also buried there.
According to the MacDonald matriarch, Catherine, Milton’s eldest brother, Donald, and Milton’s eldest sister, C. Pearl are buried there. Donald’s spouse,Ethel, is also buried in this cemetery. Milton’s older brother, Stuart, is also buried in the Walton cemetery
Milton’s maternal grandparents, Lewis A. and Eunice N. (née Kenyon) Walton are buried there. Milton’s great-grandparents, Peleg A. and Jane E. (née Leach) Walton are also buried in the Walton cemetery.