of MILTON EARL MACDONALD (3-9-1915-11-22-1995)
Milton MacDonald’s ancestors left Scotland and first arrived in Canada. From Canada they eventually settled in Rhode Island, U.S.A. (Rhode Island has the distinction of being the smallest of the fifty states but the state with the longest name! The official name is the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.)
MacDonald descendants have only been able to go back to Milton’s great-grandparents, Robert (b. 1818) and Mary (b. 1830) (née McMullen) MacDonald. There is very little to no information on generations before them, except that these generations came from the Highlands of Scotland. The date of birth of the earliest ancestor was found on as 1790, but this has not been documented or authenticated by web site author. Also, Robert MacDonald Sr. is on the following list with birthplace and date of Pictou, Nova Scotia in 1818. Subsequent information from oral tradition states Robert Sr.was born in the Highlands of Scotland and moved to Nova Scotia as a young teen. More research needed.
Milton’s Great, Great-Grandparents:
Robert (b. 1790) (?) and Mary (“Meary”) (?)
According to the death certificate of their son, Robert and Mary MacDonald of this generation, were both born in Nova Scotia. Their son, Robert’s death certificate lists the names of his parents as Robert and Mary. “The way it is worded on the (below) death certificate, it indicates that his parents’ names were also Robert and Mary and that they were also of Nova Scotia for their births. Where in Nova Scotia his parents came from is unknown. Undoubtedly, they were born sometime in the late 1700’s” responded Larry Bowles, Certified Genealogist, in answer to web site author’s questioning about exact meaning of parentage (below). See following page 8 of 8 under filename: PANSRearch.doc:
If the names of parents (above) is factual, this would make three successive generations of Robert and Mary MacDonald! Milton’s great-grandparents are named Robert, Sr. and Mary (née McMullen) and Milton’s grandparents are named Robert, Jr. and Mary (née Conlon). The document above is the only located written source that gives the names and the places of birth of Milton’s great, great-grandparents. More research is needed to substantiate the names and places of birth of Robert and Mary of this generation. According to Teresa MacKenzie of the Museum and Genealogy Centre in Nova Scotia:”Having three generations with the same first names is not as unusual as you might think. Preserving forenames for generations was not an uncommon Scottish tradition.” Documents, even official documents, are only as accurate as the informant’s understanding of the questions and the accuracy of the transcriber’s work. Until proven otherwise, web site author will leave Milton Earl’s great, great grandparents’ names as reported on the above death registration of their son.
There is a discrepancy between the above document and the following document. More research needed. In 2016 the web site author received a certified copy of Robert’s (b. 1818 d. 1876) death certificate from the town of Scituate, Rhode Island USA, and this copy did not record his father’s and mother’s birthplace. However, this document did list his father’s name as Robert MacDonald and his mother’s name as Meary MacDonald. (Apparently at that time in history, the name Mary was spelled Meary.)
(copy of certificate of death to be scanned in here)
Additional research is needed to find more information on the MacDonald parents of this generation.
Milton’s Great-Grandparents:
Robert,Sr.(1818-2-23-1876) and Mary McMullen (1830-1895) MacDonald
Milton’s great-grandfather Robert MacDonald was born in 1818. Many documents have Robert born in Nova Scotia, Canada, but oral tradition and other documents have him born in Scotland. (see below) Milton’s great-grandfather, Robert MacDonald died in 1876. Oral tradition carried by Robert’s great-great grandson Gordon is Robert, Sr.’s trade was a ships’ carpenter.
He was married to Mary Mc Mullen (aka MacMullen) MacDonald who was born in 1830 in Belfast, North Ireland and, according to the family tree at the end of this page, died in 1897. has Mary’s date of death as 1895. Also, Mary’s gravestone has 1895 as date of death, so web site author will use 1895 on this site.
Researchers are not definite as to the birthplace of Robert (b.1818):
Nova Scotia (file name:PANSResearch.doc page 8 of 8); Pictou (1860 United States Census); Picton, Nova Scotia (William MacDonald medical certification ,1945); Nova Scotia B.A. (1855 Birth registration of Sarah MacDonald); Nova Scotia. (1856 when registered birth of Sarah MacDonald; Nova Scotia (1861 Birth registration of Catherine MacDonald; Nova Scotia (1865 when registered birth of James; Nova Scotia (1868 when registered birth of Rebecca Frances; Nova Scotia (1870 when registered birth of last son); North Carolina Nova Scotia (1870 United States Census); Scotland (1900 United States Census); Canada English (1930 United States Census); Scotland (2016 oral tradition carried by Bob, a great-grandson of Robert (b.1818); Scotland (2016– research by genealogist Karen Wallace Roberts) has their marriage @ 1852 in Pictou, Nova Scotia, Canada. Website author is researching documentation to verify marriage date because this could substantiate the timeline of the couple leaving Nova Scotia and coming to the United States. Genealogist Karen Wallace Roberts reports their wedding “abt 1852-Massachusetts. More research needed to verify whether the marriage place was Massachusetts or Nova Scotia.
All their children were born in the United States. They had nine children, four sons and five daughters. Their children are Robert, Jr. born in 1853, Sarah in 1855, Elizabeth in 1856, Joseph in 1858, Katherine in 1860, James in 1865, Rebecca in 1867, William in 1869 and the youngest child, Mary. All of the children lived to an older age, except Mary, the youngest child. According to oral tradition carried by William’s grandson, “Mary died as a toddler when she pulled on the handle of a boiling pot on the stove and was scalded to death. My grandfather, William, was a boy and was devastated by her death.”
Milton descends from Robert’s (b. 1818) and Mary’s (b.1830) first child, Robert, Jr. who was born in 1853.
From the above census we read that Robert MacDonald, Sr. was born in Pictou, Nova Scotia. However in 2016, the grandson of William, the 8th child of Robert (b. 1818) and Mary (b. 1830), states “I know that my grandfather told me that his FATHER was born in Scotland and came to Pictou when he was about 14 years old which would have been 1832. His family supposedly left Scotland because of the highland clearances.” Also, the above 1860 United States Census has Mary McMullen also born in Nova Scotia. Oral Tradition, carried by a descendant of their last son William, show this also to be an error. “Mary McMullen was born in Ireland!” states the great grandson of Mary (née McMullen) MacDonald. Also, the medical and death record of William, the last child of Robert and Mary (née McMullen) MacDonald, signed by William’s son in 6/20/1945 , gives Mary’s birthplace as Belfast, Ireland. (see below) However, this same report gives Robert’s (b.1818) birthplace as Pictou, Nova Scotia.
Also, oral tradition carried by a descendant of Robert, the first son of Robert and Mary (McMullen) MacDonald, firmly states that her great, great grandmother, Mary McMullen, was Irish.
Milton’s two older sons have gone to Nova Scotia to find information on the parents of Robert MacDonald, Sr., but there were many, many, many MacDonalds who came through Nova Scotia. Many left Nova Scotia, but many MacDonalds stayed, and, therefore, there are numerous MacDonald families in Nova Scotia today (2015). The name Robert MacDonald is a very common name in Scotland and in the disapora! (The largest Scottish clan is the MacDonald clan!)
The birth registrations of Robert, Sr. and Mary (née McMullens) MacDonald’s other children were researched by Milton’s second son, Douglas who found records of five –or possibly six– of the eight siblings. Records he found in Rhode Island are :
Douglas commented above that the information was very difficult to read. The 1870 United States Federal Census could possibly give us one reason for the reading difficulty. On two of the above records, the mother was the informant. According to the 1870 Census, Mary (née McMulllen), the children’s mother, could not read or write. Imagine trying to remember all pertinent information about each person in a family of ten people, especially when the person could neither read nor write. Also many errors were known to occur in the transcription process, especially at that time in history when government worker were not highly educated.
- According to the 1920 & 1930 (New York, U.S.A.) census, William, their last child, was born in Rhode Island. William’s son, who eventually was living in New York, gave the information about his father’s birthplace to the census takers. Therefore, the family was most likely living in R.I. in 1869. William’s birth date was July 8th, 1869. Also, the Robert MacDonald (Sr) household in the 1860 and 1870 United States Census was in the town of Cranston, in the county of Providence, in the state of Rhode Island.
- The above 1860 U.S. Federal Census has Robert, Sr.’s birthplace as Pictou. “Pictou was a receiving point for many Scottish immigrants moving to a new home in Northern Nova Scotia … following the Highland Clearances of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Consequently, the town’s slogan is “The Birthplace of New Scotland”; the first wave of immigrants is acknowledged to have arrived on September 15, 1773 on the Hector.” (Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia) People from Pictou were called Pictonians; perhaps this is the reason for the misspelling on the 1860 census of the town of Pictou. The nickname of the town of Pictou is: “Birthplace of New Scotland”.
- On the above 1870 U.S. Federal Census, there is an eighteen year old whose name is John Hutchenson living with Robert, Sr. and Mary and their eight children! Ancestry.Com shows that he is from Scotland. Was he a newly arrived relative from Scotland or was he a boarder? More research needed.
- The 1870 United States Federal Census for Robt “Mcdonnald” [sic] shows Robert, Sr. and Mary (McMullen) McDonnald living in the United States! has Robert and Mary (McMullen) marrying in Pictou in 1852. If this marriage date and place is correct, the MacDonald couple that left Canada and migrated to the United States was Robert, Sr. and Mary (McMullen) MacDonald. Robert Jr. was born in Rehoboth, Massachusetts in 1853 and his sister, Sarah, was born in Providence in 1855, and the following children were born in Cranston, Rhode Island. Therefore, Robert Sr. and Mary (McMullen) came to U.S.A. sometime between their marriage 1852 and the birth of their first son, Robert,Jr., in 1853. The 1870 U.S.A. Federal Census records Robert, Jr.’s birthplace as Massachusetts and the other seven siblings’ birthplace as Rhode Island. (More research needed to document their country of residence in 1852 and their marriage in Pictou, Canada and not the United States in 1852 .)
- The 1870 United States Federal Census has Robert and Mary, as well as their eight children, each reporting to have a father and mother of foreign birth. Robert, Sr.’s occupation is carpenter, Mary’s is “keeping house”, Robert, Jr.’s as “wks print wks” and the other seven children are “at home” and attending school or blank column for the preschool ages.
The 1875 Rhode Island State Census has Robert, Sr. as the head of household, but no work listed. Mary is listed as housekeeper. Robert, Jr. is not living in the home. Sarah, born in Providence, is a weaver. Elizabeth is a weaver, Joseph is a doffer, Katherine is a drawin, James is a spinner and Rebecca and William are listed as scholars. (The web site author is uncertain as to whether the family is living in the Brown household or whether both families are living in a tenement. More research is needed)
- In the 1880 United States Federal Census for Mary McDonald (as Robert Sr. has died). Mary and six of her children are listed. Mary is “Keeping House”; Sarah and James are listed as “Works Cotton Mill” (and apparently the only breadwinners in the house). For whatever reason, Rebecca is listed as Francis. Also, this is the first time that we see that Mary’s parents were born in Ireland. The 1875 Census records the birthplace of Mary (née McMullen) as North Ireland.
Following are two weddings announcements found in the Providence City Hall Division of Archives and History researched by Douglas MacDonald, Milton second son. Robert, Sr. and Mary (née McMullen) MacDonald’s first daughter, Sarah, and fourth daughter, Rebecca, have their marriages registered in the town of Scituate.
![]() |
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Following is death registration of Robert Sr. researched by Douglas MacDonald, Milton Earl’s second son.
Milton Earl’s son, Douglas, found funeral announcements for three of Robert, Sr. and Mary (McMullen) MacDonald’s daughters. These Providence Journal funeral announcements of Sarah, Katherine and Elizabeth were found at the Providence Public Library:
Milton’s Grandparents:
Robert, Jr.(7-15-1853-3-9-1937) and Mary Conlon (4-23-1857-1897)
On July 15, 1853, Milton’s paternal grandfather, Robert Mac Donald, Jr. was born in Rehoboth, Massachusetts. In historical documents the name is written as Mc or Mac and written with or without a space between Mc (or Mac) and Donald.
The census and the newspaper clipping of Robert, Jr.’s obituary (see below) and his daughter Flora Bells’s birth registration (see below) also show he was born in Rehoboth, Mass. He died in March of 1937.
He was married to Mary Ann (Conlon) MacDonald, Milton’s grandmother, who died in 1897. According to the oral tradition carried by the great-granddaughter Catherine, Mary Conlon was born in Ireland. However birth registrations of her children, Joseph and Flora Belle, record her birthplace as Coventry, Rhode Island. Web site author prefers the accuracy of the oral tradition and, perhaps, Mary was just living in Coventry when she met Robert, Jr. Another reference to Mary Conlon’s birthplace is “Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950,”index, FamilySearch where Mary’s birthplace is AbbeyPaisley, Renfrew, Scotland. More research needed. They had three children, Joseph (b.4/8/1875-d.3/9/1957), Sadie F. (b.1879-d.1915), and Flora Belle (b.5/24/1877-d.1879). Milton descends from their first child, Joseph.
Web site author believes Milton’s son, Douglas, retrieved the following birth registration of Milton’s father, Joseph, and his father’ sister, Flora Belle, at the Providence City Hall Division of Archives and History. Descendants believe–and the current MacDonald matriarch (year 2014) in Rhode Island is definite!–that Joseph’s mother’s name was Mary (Conlon) MacDonald, and not Mary (Conley) MacDonald as erroneously recorded below. The web site author found other references to a Mary Conley in this MacDonald genealogy. (The handwriting of Conlon and Conley in genealogical papers can easily look the same to the person trying to decipher the penmanship, and, also, the pronunciation of Conley and Conlon sounds very much the same. Below the two children birth registration have Mary’s birth name as Mary Conlon on one registration and Mary Conley as the other registration. This error, therefore, occurred when their children’s births were being recorded! Another error is the birthplace of the children’s mother.)
Robert, Jr.’s two daughters are not mentioned in his obituary (below) because they died before him. Sadie died in her thirties and Flora died in her second or third year of life. Mary (née Conlon) MacDonald, the children’s mother, only lived until around age 40. Robert, Jr. remarried twice after her death.
His second wife, Fannie E. Walker, died in 1912 and his third wife, Cora, outlived him by around seven years. The 1900 United States Census has Robert, Sr.’s birthplace in Scotland. That is an error; his birthplace is Nova Scotia.
The following is Robert, Jr.’s obituary. The news paper and publication date is unknown.
Web site author interviewing the MacDonald matriarch in Rhode Island in year 2014: The matriarch comments on the large house and remembers her Gramma Cora. “Gramma Cora always had a hat and a round bun and the round bun went through the hat.” ” I remember also the bleached white floors in their large house.”
In 1937 Robert, Jr. died and his four strong grandsons were the bearers. (see below newsclipping)
Supplemental Ancestral/Pedigree Charts and Family Group Records:
This Ancestor Chart found in family records has Robert, Jr.’s birth in Nova Scotia, but this appears to be an error! Robert, Jr.’s father, Robert, Sr. was born in Nova Scotia. Multiple sources have Massachusetts as Robert, Jr.’s birthplace. Web site author does not recognize the handwriting in the Ancestor Chart.
The two page Family Tree below was probably a combination of work by Milton’s son, Douglas, and Milton’s eldest brother’s son, Gordon. Page one gives us three generations of MacDonalds, (1st) Joseph and Annie, (2nd) Robert, Jr. and Mary (née Conlon), (3rd) Robert, Sr. and Mary (née McMullen), and the names and dates of the children of Robert, Jr.’s and Robert, Sr.’s families. Page two gives us information on William, the fourth son of Robert, Sr. and Mary (née McMullen).
From the above MacDonald ancestry, we see that Milton descends from (1st) Robert and Mary MacDonald, living in Nova Scotia and possibly born there (more research needed to substantiate this first generation), (2nd) Robert, Sr. born in Nova Scotia and Mary McMullen born in North Ireland, (3rd) Robert, Jr. born in Massachusetts, and Mary Conlon born in Ireland, Scotland or Coventry, Rhode Island (4th) Joseph, born in Hope, Rhode Island and Annie, born in Fiskeville, Rhode Island. Milton is Joseph’s and Annie’s fifth child.
According to there are ten MacDonalds buried in Greenwood Cemetery (aka Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Coventry #59) in Coventry, R.I. They are:
Lillie, Elizabeth MacDonald![]() ![]() b. Nov. 25, 1856 d. Mar. 9, 1946 (Third child of Mary (née McMullen) and Robert MacDonald, Sr.) (Milton Earl MacDonald’s Great Aunt) |
Greenwood Cemetery Coventry Kent County Rhode Island, USA |
MacDonald, Anna![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() b. Aug. 11, 1856 d. Apr. 18, 1906 (Letter from WEMACS FARM (9-2-1991):”The rear of this stone had Joseph MacDonald b.3-2-1858 d.2-11-1935″. Anna and Joseph would be Milton Earl MacDonald’s great aunt and uncle. Joseph is Robert, Jr.’s younger brother. |
Greenwood Cemetery Coventry Kent County Rhode Island, USA |
MacDonald, Fannie E. Walker![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() b. 1856 d. 1912 (Second wife of Robert MacDonald, Jr.) (Milton Earl MacDonald’s Grandfather’s second wife) |
Greenwood Cemetery Coventry Kent County Rhode Island, USA |
MacDonald, Flora Bell![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() b. unknown d. unknown (b. 5/24/1877-d. 1879) Second child of Mary (née Conlon) and Robert MacDonald, Jr.) (Milton Earl MacDonald’s Aunt) |
Greenwood Cemetery Coventry Kent County Rhode Island, USA |
MacDonald, Joseph![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() b. Mar. 2, 1858 d. Feb. 11, 1935 (Fourth child of Mary (née McMullen) and Robert MacDonald, Sr.) (Milton Earl MacDonald’s Great Uncle) |
Greenwood Cemetery Coventry Kent County Rhode Island, USA |
MacDonald, Mary![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() b. 1830 d. 1895 (Mary McMullen, spouse of Robert MacDonald, Sr.) (Milton Earl MacDonald’s Great-Grandmother) |
Greenwood Cemetery Coventry Kent County Rhode Island, USA |
MacDonald, Mary A 126627570 (Milton’s direct line) b. 1857 d. 1897 (Mary Conlon, spouse of Robert MacDonald, Jr. and mother of his three children) (Milton Earl MacDonald’s Grandmother) |
Greenwood Cemetery Coventry Kent County Rhode Island, USA |
MacDonald, Robert![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() b. 1818 d. 1876 (aka Robert MacDonald, Sr. and spouse of Mary McMullen) (Milton Earl MacDonald’s Great-Grandfather) |
Greenwood Cemetery Coventry Kent County Rhode Island, USA |
MacDonald, Robert, Jr![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() b. 1853 d. 1937 (Spouse of Mary Conlon) (Milton Earl MacDonald’s Grandfather) |
Greenwood Cemetery Coventry Kent County Rhode Island, USA |
Wood, Sarah MacDonald![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() b. Feb. 28, 1855 d. Feb. 19, 1941 (Second child of Mary née McMullen and Robert MacDonald, Sr.) (Milton Earl MacDonald’s Great Aunt) |
Greenwood Cemetery Coventry Kent County Rhode Island, USA |
According to there are eight MacDonalds buried in Walton Cemetery (aka Rhode Island Historical Cemetery #221) in Scituate, R.I. They are:
MacDonald, Annie F Walton![]() ![]() b. 1887 d. 1959(Milton Earl MacDonald’s Mother) |
Walton Cemetery Scituate Providence County Rhode Island, USA |
MacDonald, Clarissa Pearl![]() ![]() b. 1904 d. 1922(Milton Earl MacDonald’s Eldest Sister) |
Walton Cemetery Scituate Providence County Rhode Island, USA |
MacDonald, Donald W![]() ![]() b. 1905 d. 1981(Milton Earl MacDonald’s Eldest Brother) |
Walton Cemetery Scituate Providence County Rhode Island, USA |
Macdonald, Ethel M Seidel![]() ![]() b. 1905 d. unknown(Milton Earl MacDonald’s brother Donald’s Spouse) |
Walton Cemetery Scituate Providence County Rhode Island, USA |
MacDonald, Joseph![]() ![]() b. 1875 d. 1957(Milton Earl MacDonald’s Father) |
Walton Cemetery Scituate Providence County Rhode Island, USA |
MacDonald, Marjorie P![]() ![]() b. 1915 d. unknown(Milton Earl MacDonald’s brother Stuart’s Spouse) |
Walton Cemetery Scituate Providence County Rhode Island, USA |
MacDonald, Stuart K![]() ![]() b. 1913 d. 1996(Milton Earl MacDonald’s Older Brother) |
Walton Cemetery Scituate Providence County Rhode Island, USA |
Toher, Ruth P MacDonald![]() ![]() b. 1922 d. unknown(Milton Earl MacDonald’s Younger Sister) |
Walton Cemetery Scituate Providence County Rhode Island, USA |
Milton Earl MacDonald and spouse, Audrey Mae’s Burial Place:
According to there are two MacDonalds buried in Oakland Cemetery in Coventry, Rhode Island. They are:
MacDonald, Audrey Mae 126894912 b. Mar. 19, 1912 d. unknown (Audrey Mae d.3-7-2007 (née Spencer)MacDonald, spouse of Milton Earl MacDonald) |
Oakland Cemetery Coventry Kent County Rhode Island, USA |
MacDonald, Milton Earl 126894939 b. Mar. 9, 1915 d. Nov. 22, 1995 |
Oakland Cemetery Coventry Kent County Rhode Island, USA |
One final note or request before finishing the Ancestry page. MacDonalds, Kenyons, Nichols, Waltons, Knights, Leaches, Farringtons, Mc Mullens, Conlons, if you have any additional information and/correction on Milton Earl MacDonald’s ancestry, please add a comment to this web site and the web site author/editor will add this to the site. Thanks! (Contact Us-on upper right side of page)