Robert (born 1818) and Mary (born 1830) MacDonald are the paternal great-grandparents of Milton Earl MacDonald:
Robert, Jr. born 1853:
Robert Jr. is the first child of Robert (b. 1818) and Mary (née McMullen) MacDonald. Robert, Jr.(b. 1853) is Milton’s paternal grandfather and, therefore, is in Milton direct lineage. (Robert, Jr.’s extensive biography and photos are in the MacDonald Ancestry section of this website.)
Robert Jr. , the first child, is the only child not born in Rhode Island. He was born in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, USA, whereas his following eight siblings were all born in Rhode Island, USA.
Sarah born 2-28-1855 and died 2-19-1941:
Sarah is the second child and the first daughter of Robert (aka Robert Sr.) and Mary (née McMullen) MacDonald. Therefore, Sarah is Milton Earl’s great-aunt.
(Archival research and comments by Milton Earl’s son, Douglas. Photo of Sarah MacDonald Wood emailed from Sarah’s granddaughter, Sarah, to web site author in May, 2017.)
Elizabeth born 11-23-1856 and died 3-9-1946:
Elizabeth is the third child and the second daughter of Robert (aka Robert Sr.) and Mary (née McMullen) MacDonald. Therefore, Elizabeth is Milton Earl’s great-aunt.
(Archival research and comments by Milton Earl’s son, Douglas.)
Joseph born 3-2-1858 and died 3-11-1935:
Joseph is the forth child and the second son of Robert (aka Robert Sr.) and Mary (née McMullen) MacDonald. Therefore, Joseph is Milton Earl’s great-uncle. He was a State Senator of Rhode Island in the 1903 and 1907 terms. He “served eight years in the state legislature and then was a candidate for representative in Congress” according to his brother’s obituary section in the Oswego Palladium-Times, Wednesday, June 20, 1945.
Katherine born 11-28-1860 and died 9-15-1942:
Katharine (aka Catharine) was the fifth child and the third daughter of Robert (aka Robert Sr.) and Mary (née McMullen) MacDonald. Therefore, Katharine is Milton Earl’s great-aunt.
(Archival research and comments by Milton Earl’s son, Douglas.)

Katherine (née MacDonald) Betts’ funeral announcement in the 9-16-1942 edition of the Providence Journal
James born 6-2-1865 and died 1936:
James is the sixth child and the third son of Robert (aka Robert Sr.) and Mary (née McMullen) MacDonald. Therefore, James is Milton Earl’s great-uncle.
(Archival research and comments by Milton Earl’s son, Douglas.)
Rebecca born 7-16-1867 and died 8-18-1939:
Rebecca is the seventh child and the fourth daughter of Robert (aka Robert Sr.) and Mary (née McMullen) MacDonald. Therefore, Rebecca is Milton Earl’s great-aunt.
(Archival research and comments by Milton Earl’s son, Douglas.)
William born 7-8-1869 and died 6-20-1945:
William’s first son, Robert, changed the uppercase “D” in Donald to lower case “d“. William’s descendants become Macdonalds and no longer MacDonalds. William’s grandson Robert’s email to website author: “When my father was in college at Wesleyan University in Connecticut there was another Robert MacDonald and, because their records were always being confused my dad went to court and had his name legally changed to Macdonald.”
In the early years of the 21st century, Milton’s second son, Douglas, did genealogical research to find information on his MacDonald ancestors and their descendants. In 2004 he located and visited his second cousin, once removed, Janet, who was the granddaughter of Robert and Mary’s last son, William. Janet gave Douglas the above photograph of her and her grandfather. In 2016 the website author received from William’s grandson the above photos of William and his grandson. Also, received from William’s grandson, Robert, was the following information on his sister, Mary Elizabeth. “She was born on October 6, 1918 and died as an infant on December 30, 1918 in the great flu epidemic that followed the First World War I. I have her baby book which my mother had started as well as a baby spoon given to her with the initials MEM engraved on the handle. I was in my teens before I was ever told about her birth and death. And so there is yet another Macdonald who is a part of our legacy.”
((Archival research and comments by Milton Earl’s son, Douglas and by Milton Earl’s second cousin, Robert S. Macdonald)
Mary, the last child of Robert and Mary (née McMullen) MacDonald: (date of birth and death unknown by website author; born after 1889):
Mary is the ninth child and the fifth daughter of Robert (b.1818) and Mary (née mcMullen) Macdonald. Website author finds no written information about this last child, Mary, who died in a tragic accident as a child. She pulled on the handle of a boiling pot on the stove and was scalded to death. Her older but still young brother William related this story to his grandson years later as William was understandably traumatized by observing this tragic accident.
(Archival research and comments by Milton Earl’s second cousin, Robert S. Macdonald)
MacDonald and McMullen descendants, if you have any additional information on these MacDonald ancestral lines please add a comment to this web site and the web site author will add this to the site. Thanks! (Contact Us-on upper right side of page)